Some notes on Fae.
The world of Fae is called Three-Fourth. This represents the universal music of three beats and a rest.
Music is emotion and truth.
Fae represent one truth and one emotion. Any other shown "emotions" are really just different executions of the one that is embodied inside of the Fae.
Three-Forth is filled with more than Fae. Many things have wandered here, and many things will wander out.
Fae do not die. Even when the music that makes them ends, the emotion lingers like a stain on the world.
Fae that are "killed" haunt their killers, destroy them, and wander the cosmos, destroying more things like their killers.
Fae have rules. These rules are nebulous but symbolic of the music/emotion/truth that the Fae represents.
Elves are not fae, but a people who have heard the magic of Three-Forth and adopted it. They are sylvan, yes, but they are not Fae.
Goblins, Bugbears, Banshees, and the like are all Fae who have long since been detatched from their original ideas and emotions, and now represent suffering as both an emotion and a truth.
Magic is to Fae as breathing is to us. To them, there is no "magic," only Fae.
Fae means enchantment.
Faerie means Place of Enchantment, or Doer of Enchantment.
There are Lords and Ladies.
The reason nature and Fae are so intertwined is because nature was the first voice to sing and the first instrument to be played.
There are modern Fae of houses and villages and cities and steel warfare.
Cold iron isn't very useful against Fae. It just so happens that metal itself is very useful in killing anything you want to kill.
The Lords and Ladies are comparable to gods.
Fae take on the form of dreams and imaginations.
Humans dream and imagine far more than other races, and thus Fae are all humanoid.
Entering Three-Forths is possible. Listen for music in the wood, music made of nature, and follow it. You will likely die.
Fae make contracts with humans in order to mine their brains for ideas yet undiscovered.
Fae trick humans and wrap them up in fairy tales in order to create ideas yet unexecuted.
Ideas undiscovered and yet unexecuted feed the fae like blood to a starved vampire.
All Fae are starving.

The Lords and Ladies are known as Archfey to those that study magic, as God to those that study old religions, and as Extinction to worlds they have ended.
Some insects are not demons, but instead are fae. These insects were born from the minds of creatures older than men, and men themselves. Butterflies, moths, and fireflies are all Fae insects.
Because many animals are yet older than men by significant margins, many of them have memories of Fae buried deep in their instincts.
An intelligent animal is intelligent because it has heard enough of the song to develop a thinking mind. A thinking mind dreams. Fae consume animal dreams as well as human.
The more you think of Fae, the more real they are.
Fae appear always vanishing in order to draw you deeper into their plans.
A fae plan will also mix pleasure and pain in such a way as to destroy you.
"You must crack an egg to cook it." Angels and Stars do not trifle with the Lords and Ladies, for they are younger than all Fae. Demons hunger for Fae just as they do for men. Thus witches are born--men and women who have been given the music from Fae to attract demons.
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