Some notes on Aasimar & Tiefings.
Both are born together, as twins.
They are only born from virgin mothers.
Aasimar hearts are made out of liquid gold. Their heart stops beating when they take on their more Celestial forms.
Tiefling bones are filled with a substance similar to gunpowder. It attaches to their blood.
Angels seek out both.
Tieflings are often the scorned of the two, but their connection to Hell is tenuous at best. Theories but not facts surround their monstrous forms.
Demons seek out Aasimar to feast on them.

Devils seek out Tieflings as servants.
The bond between the twins is unnaturally strong. They know when the other is in pain, they know when the other is happy, and they know when the other has died.
Children had with an Aasimar are always stillborn.
Children had with a Tiefling have unnatural vitality.
Many stories and plays are retellings of Aasimar and Tiefling adventures. Twins of this breed are always pulled into greater legends.
If one twin kills the other, they both die.
If the twins mate, no child can be produced.
Tieflings are thought of as omens. Some tribes will cannibalize the Tiefling twin, hoping to gain the power to overcome fate and destiny.
Aasimar are thought of as leaders and martyrs. Aasimar twins will often be groomed for some great, suicidal task that will never be completed.
Many Tieflings become Warlocks. Those with powers beyond that of humankin desire to tap into the infernal blood locked away inside of their bones.
Many Aasimar become Paladins. They are often forced into taking sacred oaths, for that is what they have been groomed to do.
There is a city of Aasimar. It is ruled the Angel of Libra. It is surrounded by a graveyard of Tiefling twins. The Angel kills the Tiefling, and curses the Aasimar with visions of manifest destiny, destroying the bond between the twins.
Demons do not consume Tieflings. They fear the fire in their blood. Thus, deep underground, Tieflings have formed a city in hell where they rule over legions of demons. These Tieflings have all lost their twin due to tragedy and were broken by it.

The city of the Aasimar is called Heaven. It is a false name. It is a holy site for many pilgrims. It is at war with Pandemonium, the city of Tieflings deep underground.
Both cities manifest once every Six Hundred and Sixteen Years, on the 13th day of the year.
Their war tears countries apart. Often, twins work desperately to stop it, only to be consumed by one side or the other.
Aasimar are known for their pale blue eyes. When their activate the Celestial Engine within their heart, their eyes turn gold, and their blood forms great, bright wings behind them, and halos above them, or shrouds of golden blood cover their faces and arms.
Tiefling are known for their hooves, horns, and red, black, or violet skin. Tieflings have no other form to take. The strife a TIefling suffers in life often leads them to manifest more horrific traits, such as greater horns, bat wings, long tails, sharp claws, and other such terrific things.
Tieflings are not kindred to demons. Aasimar are kindred to Angels. Aasimar are not kindred to Celestials. Tiefling are kindred to Angels.
If one twin dies of old age, as does the other.
The virgin mother always dies in childbirth. All Tieflings and all Aasimar are orphans.
The Orphan King will one day destroy Heaven and Pandemonium.
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