Drow are from Hell. That is, the underground. That is, the genesis of insects.
Drow are the nightmares, dreams, and songs of ancient spiders. The first drow crawled out of their shed skins, which were filled with memories of lucid dreams.
The above means that Drow are fey born in hell. They know only hunger. They know only consumption.
What we call Sin or Base Instincts, most drow call food. Their societies underground are built only for the purpose of gaining this food. The purest food is agony.
To call a Drow a demon is both right and wrong.
Drow are sexual because that makes the agony inflicted on their targets easier. Drow make deals (deals with the devil are deals with drow. Drows are Devils) because betraying someone is the best seasoning for agony.
There are no drow cities. Drow despise each other--they invade one another's turf.
There is a great Drow Nest. It is inside the half-shed skin of an ancient spider the size of a moon. Because the spider is still shedding its skin, it is still creating more and more drow.
Because drow are Devil/Demon/Fey, they cannot abide the sun. It sings a song they care not to hear.
Some drow are influenced by other songs after their creation. This is why drow can be a player race.
There was once a Drow that saw the Sun. The Drow stared at it until it lost its vision. This Drow wandered the surface world without hunger. It experienced the world. This Drow attained Enlightenment.
Other drow became hungry for this enlightenment. They too came to the surface, and most of them destroyed, for they operated at day and not night.
Some drow came to believe that enlightenment could end their hunger. They learned to control themselves. They found a new home: Mountains.
All drow see mountains as Buddhist Monks see lotus blossoms.
In many mountain peaks, there is a monastery. The monastery is inside the peak. This is symbollic. They are still underground, but are above the rest of their race. They have risen above the hunger of their peers. They are proof that, even over thousands of years, what was once just a base darkness can reach towards the sun.
These are Drow. They wander the world during the day, leaving their mountaintops to recreate He That Saw the Sun in themselves, to experience the world.
Every Drow experiences a battle between hunger for agony and a need for enlightenment. They are the Buddhist Principle taken to the extreme.
Non-player drow still exist in slim numbers. The veins of the earth underground is inhospitable to them, even though they are born there.
Many drow are extremely stylized. Some become fat, some beautiful, some monstrous, some covered in bones, some distorted. Their shapes are carefully crafted, their bodies slowly modified, to enhance their chosen strategy of hunting agony from the surface.
The tiefling city of Pandemonium hunts drow viciously. For tieflings, too, feel agony, and drow are forever hunting them. But drow are useful tools against the aasimar city of Heaven, and so many are sent there in a form of terrorism.
There was once a Drow Monk that saw the entire world but did not go blind. He learned how to turn nights into ink, and he used that ink to create great mausoleums for kings. These mausoleums, literally made of night, are holy places for Drow and men alike.
Drow magic centers around recreating the darkness underground, and absolute control over the term "Black." Drow magic is black magic, night magic, ink magic, naming magic, etc.
The ability to pull stars out of the sky to smite foes (meteor swarm) was created by a drow who wanted a pure night to hunt in. This spell has been enshrined in a scroll and fought over by great and powerful entities for far too long.
Elves do not exist. Drow do.
There is no greater hunter of man then Drow.